Our Safety Story


We have developed a safety program that outlines our commitment, goals, and process for safety. By providing intensive safety inspections we focus on hazard recognition and taking quick corrective actions prior to incidences.


The second process is to disseminate information down to the craft. This process is accomplished by implementation of tool box talks and mass safety meetings. Our goal is to initiate a safety culture for our employees.


Lastly, we have accountability and encouragement to follow the procedures outlined by the company. To show our appreciation for safety commitment we reward our employees by giving away gift cards and other accolades to those employees who continue to show their commitment to safety.

Members of our management team participate with employees in sustaining a safety program that provides safety education and training. We review and update workplace safety rules and regulations routinely. Reyes TX, Inc. strives to promote an enhanced safety culture to facilitate zero fatalities, injuries and illnesses in the workplace.

Reyes TX, Inc.’s Commitment to Safety

Statement of Policy

It is the policy of our company to perform work in the safest manner possible consistent with good construction practices. To fulfill the requirements of this policy, an organized and effective safety program must be carried out at each location where work is performed. Responsibility for the safety program is delegated to line supervisors in accordance with the chain of command. We are a member of the National Safety Council.

Safety Program Goal

The goal of the safety program is zero accidents. All accidents result in loss due to job disruption and delay and often involve additional losses from personal injury, equipment damage, property or material damage or a combination of these factors. Prevention of all accidents is the goal of our safety effort rather than only those where potential for serious loss is most apparent.

Statement of Management Commitment

Any policy is only as good as its implementation. Management will be actively involved with all employees in establishing and maintaining an effective safety program company wide. Members of our management team participate with projects and employees in program activities that include but not limited to: Promoting safety program participation by all employees; providing safety and health education and training; adapting, reviewing and updating workplace safety rules and regulations; providing the financial resources necessary to promote safety in the workplace. This safety program has been adopted as standard practice for Reyes TX, Inc. and for compliance with our safety rules that will be required by all employees as a condition of employment.

Recognition of Reyes TX, Inc.’s Safety Response to On-Site Emergency
Reyes TX, Inc. received a letter from Kiewit Western Company for its on-site response to an on-site emergency situation with a Kiewit Quality Control Technician. This is just one example of Reyes TX, Inc.’s commitment to safety and it continues to be our focus to this day.